Thursday, April 18, 2013

Art Journaling

I found this little snippet on the right in a magazine and found the thought very interesting...
"Happiness consists in finding out precisely what the "one thing necessary" may be in our lives, and in gladly relinquishing all the rest. For then, by a divine paradox, we find that everything else is given us together with the one thing we needed."
Thomas Merton

Friday, April 12, 2013

spring sketching

The first tulip blooming on the patio, trees in bloom and tiny wildflowers at the park...

This is a drawing with a layout that has more writing than drawings that I like to do for something  different every once in awhile.

The second tulip to bloom and a couple of birds that I've seen this spring around the patio, that I think I identified correctly (drawn from photos not real life because they don't stay around long enough)

I would say that spring is probably my favorite time for sketching. I love seeing new flowers and birds.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Art Journal Pages

Make time for Art...

Roses make me happy...