Friday, December 6, 2019

sale on smashbook art journal....

i am putting this journal for sale from 80.00 to 65.00 and free shipping for the weekend if anyone feels like buying a pretty little journal, well actually it is not really little it is 9x10 and has about 38 pages in but i just thought i would put it on sale you can find it at the link here

Sunday, December 1, 2019

a new art journal up for sale....

this is a 9x10 smashbook with 38 collaged pages for sale on my etsy shop here

Saturday, October 26, 2019

a new art journal up for sale...

a new midori standard size notebook turned into an art journal up for sale on my etsy shop here

Monday, October 21, 2019

adding paintings to my shop

I've been feeling a strong urge to paint wildflowers and birds and i did a few paintings on bookboard with wire for hanging and washi tape around the edges for a pretty decoration they are now in my etsy shop here if you want to go and have a look....

Saturday, October 12, 2019

restocking my etsy shop

felt like making some collaged pieces on canvas and one on small bookboard, filled with lots of pretty images and some hand  drawn my etsy shop here

Friday, October 11, 2019

a few snapshots from the past couple of weeks...

I found a vintage filofax on ebay it is so tiny and cute but I am still figuring out how i want to use it..but i just love the color and texture...

 a pretty little book from the library that has all kinds of pretty photos of delicious food, so I am excited to look through it this weekend...
 my new hanging plant that makes me so happy...

  and ordering second hand clothes from Thred Up and they're polka dot tissue paper for packaging, also love the gentle colors and textures of these clothes

Friday, September 13, 2019

my summer journaling...

so today i am here to share some of my summer journaling, I was at the thrift store and found a smashbook which I was so happy to find and I decided I would fill the pages with all kinds of pretty images that I have saved in file folders and then I went through my old Victoria magazines and found more things I love.

So it wasn't so much about adding any writing but mostly just a collage of images and I wanted it to be very layered and colorful and special because it was filled with images that I had been saving for a while and they were just perfect for this project and I liked the contrast between them and the colorful pages of the smashbook. I'm looking forward to doing more but here is what I have so far.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

finding my style....romantic bohemian

I'm back writing at my sadly neglected blog and missing posting here and have been thinking that i would like to blog weekly to  encourage my creativity and share it here more often the thing that i have been focusing on lately is creating my clothing style, i tend to like a variety but i am leaning toward what i am thinking of as romantic bohemian  and lots of loose layers.

so i have been cutting out and collecting pinterest images in my little notebook and writing out words that come to me....

i like my little closet and filling it with secondhand pretty finds and slowly building my little collection of pretty clothes, i have a couple of fun consignment shops nearby and then i also buy online at Thred up...

I hope to be back next week with more creative musings...hope everyone is having a lovely week!

Monday, July 29, 2019

since i put one journal up for sale .....

i decided to put the other one on sale as well... it has a really pretty vintage cover and lots of layers to it. It is in my etsy shop here

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hello, its been awhile since ive posted and i am going through a slow creative time, but i wanted to come here and mention that this journal is coming to an end and i wanted to put it on sale for anyone who may have been interested in it it is now 35 dollars it is in my etsy shop here