Sunday, February 1, 2015

some painted pages...

This is a new little 5x9 journal that i am doing painted pages inspired by the journals of rae missigman, she does a lot of painted layers that i love right now.

and a couple of pages in my doodle art journal from the past few months, i need to start journaling in this one again, i just have too many styles of journals that i like and sometimes i go awhile without playing in some. It changes all the time depending on what inspires me, but i don't like it feeling so chaotic.


  1. Oh ..I do the same thing..Ordered..just too cute to pass up..
    Lovely Jenni!
    Isn't it nice to feel inspired?
    Kindred..says it all~

  2. Very inspiring. I am working on my painting this year as it is out of my comfort zone. I find that I just don't know how to play. I see other's work and try to hard to get mine to look like theirs.

  3. Oh Jenni - these are beautiful journals. I can understand why you would find it difficult to settle down to one particular one. They are so inspiring for sure. Have a wonderful day.

  4. Your work is beautiful Jenni. I came over from the Cottage Nest and am your newest follower.
