Monday, June 25, 2012

Discovering Delight - the senses

This is a journal page I did inspired by Jamie Ridler's blog post on discovering delight in the senses.I added doodles to the page , some alphabet stamps  and color using colored pencils. I drew roses, a cupcake, bluberries, birds, and a cottage garden.

My list is written out below.   What are your favorites?

I love the taste of:
  1. wild maine blueberry icecream
  2.  fresh peaches
  3. any pasta dish
  4. homemade desserts
I love the sight of:
  1. the ocean in Maine
  2. cottage gardens
  3. peoples art journals and sketchbooks
  4. puppies and kittens
  5. people being nice to strangers
  6. pretty shops and boutiques 
I love the feel of:
  1. being relaxed
  2. scarves around my neck when its cold
  3. warm baths
  4. cool breezes during the summer
  5. old books
I love the smell of:
  1. garden roses
  2. the process of cooking
  3. nature
  4. fresh laundry
  5. craft stores and art supplies
I love the sound of:
  1. the oceans waves
  2. music of  Coldpay  and Ryan Adams
  3. birds in the early morning
  4. the piano
  5. christmas music

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